Chandler Macleod have been updating our employees on the COVID-19 virus and the steps they should be taking to minimise the possibility of contracting and spreading the virus including:
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as:
- Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
It’s important to note that these viruses are found worldwide in humans and animals.
A novel coronavirus (CoV) is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans. This is what has recently been identified in Wuhan, China and is now referred to as COVID-19.
- The most common symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.
- Other less common symptoms of COVID-19 can include muscle aches, headache, nausea and diarrhoea.
Authorities advised that transmission is possibly through the following ways:
- Human to human contact. Usually from a person who has the virus and in in close contact with others. This occurs when a person has contact with droplets that are expelled when a person coughs, sneezes, or talks.
- From animals to humans. It is thought that the virus is transmitted from animal sources to humans. The initial source is actually thought to be a seafood market.
Social distancing
Keep as much distance as you can from people who are obviously sick. In other circumstances, it’s important to socially distance yourself from others. It is recommended that you keep 1.5 meters between yourself and others.
Maintain good personal hygiene:
- Regularly wash your hands with soap and water.
- Use hand sanitiser when soap and water are not available.
- Avoid touching your face.
- Don’t shake hands and avoid kissing people or other personal contact.
Business continuity statement
We have specific Business Continuity Plans (BCP) in place for each of our Businesses, functional teams and offices. These plans contain important practical guidance and measures for our teams to continue operating safely and with minimal disruptions. We work closely with our clients to ensure that we can support them to remain safely operational during this time.
Chandler Macleod’s RESPONSE
Our key goals in response to this matter
- To respond in a way that is:
- Proportionate to the level of risk, acknowledging that the risk is not the same across population groups,
- Considerate of the cultural values, religious beliefs,
- Respectful of privacy and human rights across the different members of our working community and the communities that we service.
- To make the best use of our resources and minimise disruption without compromising the health and welfare of others.
- To ensure that we maintain transparent, accurate and consistent communication with all stakeholders based on facts, whilst acknowledging that there is uncertainty and a need for flexibility.
Steps and measures we have taken
Increased communication across our businesses and worker community to raise awareness about the Coronavirus based on information provided by the World Health Organisation and Government Health Departments in the jurisdictions in which we operate.
Increased messaging about hygiene and cough/sneeze etiquette, virus transmission, recognising the symptoms, when to seek medical assistance and how to access appropriate support and advice.
In line with Department of Foreign Affairs and Trading advice, we have restricted all work-related travel until further notice and will continue to monitor this situation and react accordingly.
We have implemented additional steps in our Operational and Recruitment practices to identify and manage risks associated with people who have recently travelled internationally, or who may have come into to close contact with suspected and / or confirmed cases.
Quarantine and declaration procedures are in place for those who have travelled, for those who are unwell and those who are contacts of confirmed cases.
Summary of our Pandemic Response Plan
Chandler Macleod Group has a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan which ensures we are able to continue operating in times of crisis from a People, Services and Infrastructure perspective.
Below is an extract relating specifically to our Pandemic Response:
- Build a clear understanding of the situation and the associated potential risks
- Ensure Key staff members are aware of the emergence of the situation
- Build un understanding that there is uncertainty and a need for flexibility
- Identify key information providers
- Set up mechanisms to follow/receive updates on the situation
- Identify ‘responders’ and ‘key stakeholders’
- Build awareness across our businesses of the most up-to-date and accurate information about the virus, to support informed management decisions
- Promote a consistent approach by ensuring all key parties have the same information
- Collect regular feedback on how well the businesses and their people are coping with the situation & communications thus far
- Encourage behaviours and attitudes that will contribute positively to reducing the spread of virus and minimise the psychological, social and economic impacts
- Follow Government directives in all jurisdictions in which we operate
- Update operational processes / procedures as required /appropriate
- Monitor and report on the situation across our businesses
- Share regular updates
- Ensure information flow is consistent and two-way flowing
- Ensure individuals, clients and specific stakeholders understand the reasons why interventions might be implemented and model the impacts these may have
- Ensure appropriate PPE is available for employees with a legitimate need monitor ability to deliver services to clients, consider additional needs
- Enact our Business Continuity Plans on an as needed basis across the group
- Support transition to business as usual services
- Shape expectations of services such as: the possibility of reduced performance for a period of time
Client requested travel
The Australian Government has implemented a Level 4 travel status. As such CMG asks that our Clients consider other options (such as remote solutions) to ensure the health and safety of our workers.
We do not support international travel at this time.
Domestic Air Travel
Air travel within Australia is considered low risk however each state is implementing strict border controls as a way to minimise spread of the virus throughout the country. We ask that any request for our people to travel by plane is supported by a written declaration detailing:
- Why it is considered “essential travel” and
- Reasons why other options (such as remote arrangements) are not suitable
Client meetings - remote communications preferred
Our people will continue to meet with clients by alternative means such as:
Rather than face-to-face, unless this is unavoidable. In the case of in person meetings, these may only occur if Government recommendations (such as quarantine, essential services, social distancing etc) have been taken into account.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) continues to monitor the situation globally.
Click here for more information from
Steps we will take in the event of a confirmed case of COVID-19
In the case of one of our workers:
- Immediate instruction to self-quarantine from the workplace / site until COVID-19 test results are available
- Where COVID-19 virus is confirmed, we will communicate with all direct contacts / clients of the individual
- We will communicate any other steps or actions considered appropriate in relation to the confirmed case
In the case of an employee with ‘confirmed case contact’ (e.g. family member):
- Immediate instruction to self-quarantine from the work place for a minimum of 14 days,
- Require a medical clearance prior to returning to the workplace /work site.?
Up to date information is available at the Australian Government Department of Health homepage:
Or by calling the Public Health Information Line on 1800 004 599.
Links to Australian State / Territory Health Departments can be found here:
Australian State / Territory public health agency phone contacts:
- ACT call 02 5124 9213
- NSW call 1300 066 055
- NT call 08 8922 8044
- Qld call 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84)
- SA call 1300 232 272
- Tas call 1800 671 738
- Vic call 1300 651 160
- WA visit
Information is available at the NZ Government Department of Health homepage
Or by calling the NZ Govt Ministry of health on:
0800 855 066.
Information is available at: the Ministry of Health homepage: and the
Ministry of Manpower (MOM).