Delivering graduate recruitment for a leading technology company in Australia and New Zealand
Chandler Macleod has been engaged with the client since its formation to deliver each annual graduate intake in Australia and New Zealand. Our multiple end to end graduate recruitment processes included discovery and analysis via hiring manager surveys to pinpoint unique graduate requirements and skillsets. From this data, a comprehensive advertising strategy across all locations was employed, targeting over 150 unique roles for each intake.
Our Solutions
Chandler Macleod Consultant Psychologists designed a suitable assessment process to encompass all Graduate role types, ranging from Corporate roles to Software Engineering. Online psychometric assessments, including game-based assessments and video interviews were utilised to reduce a large candidate pool to a shortlist matched to role requirements.
Assessor training was provided by Chandler Macleod to allow the client to develop and utilise their own staff in the assessment process, due to the widespread facilitation of assessment centres. Chandler Macleod facilitators enhanced the outcomes of assessment centre by maintaining consistent presence across each location and bringing knowledge of specific candidate requirements sought at various locations for distinct client teams.
As part of our long-term recruiting service provision, business and role requirements have varied along with key stakeholders involved from within the Department. Through a vast array of recruitment exercises, dedicated Chandler Macleod project managers and personnel have effectively consulted, embedded and executed best-practice recruitment and assessment solutions, identifying BestFit™ employees for the Department.
Key Outcomes
For each graduate intake, Chandler Macleod have partnered with the client to deliver between 28 to 36 assessment centres across Australia and New Zealand. Collectively, we have administered over 5,000 online assessments, 2,200 video interviews and invited over 1,500 candidates to assessment centres.
The outcome of these processes has been a talent boost of high calibre graduates to complete the Graduate Program and help address the responsibilities of the client whilst building organisational capabilities in preparation for future challenges.
With 60 years of experience in Human Resources services, Chandler Macleod’s specialist Graduate and Volume recruitment team relies on efficient processes and well-established systems to ensure a consistent application, screening, interview, assessment, and selection experience.
Whilst economic growth is forecast to slow later this year with rising interest rates, and inflation in Australia is expected to have peaked, the labour market continues to be very tight.
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